Under the maternal influence of the Heart of Mary
A Daughter
of the Immaculate Heart of Mary is …
Una mujer, dueña de sí misma, madura, que se sabe profundamente amada por Dios y responsable de ser testigo de ese amor, con una conciencia muy clara de su vocación de ser, en el mundo, prolongación viva del amor de la Virgen Madre. Enraizada en Dios, enamorada de Jesucristo y habitada por el Espíritu, al que quiere dejar actuar libremente, se siente llamada a ser creadora y recreadora de comunión.
A woman, self-possessed, mature, who knows she is deeply loved by God and responsible for being a witness to that love, with a very clear awareness of her vocation to be, in the world, a living extension of the love of the Virgin Mother. Rooted in God, in love with Jesus Christ and inhabited by the Spirit, whom she wants to let act freely, she feels called to be a creator and re-creator of communion.